Private Gynaecologist Prices
Manchester Gynaecologist are a leading private gynaecology clinic in Manchester, Cheshire and London, offering a variety of surgeries and procedures for clients with fertility, reproductive, endometrial, pelvic and vaginal conditions.
Take a look at our list below for private gynaecologist prices for a variety of procedures.
Private Gynaecological Procedures Fee List
Procedures | Codes | Total Procedure Fees (including all Hospital & Anaesthetist fees) |
New Consultation | 20300 | £300 |
Review Consultation | 20310 | £200 |
Pelvic Ultrasound | U09.2 | £395 |
Hydrosonography | U09.4 | £550 |
HyCoSy | Q55.4 | £950 |
Endometrial biopsy | Q2020 | £1,000 |
Mirena insertion | Q1690 | £650 |
Surgical Evacuation of Uterus | Q1130 | £1,875 |
Surgical Sperm Retrieval | N1350 | £3,200 |
Cervical cautery / polypectomy | Q0230 | £1,975 |
Cystoscopy (diagnostic) | M4510 | £1,995 |
Hysteroscopy (diagnostic) | Q1800 | £3,200 |
Hysteroscopy + Endometrial biopsy | Q1800 | £3,200 |
Hysteroscopy + Endometrial biopsy + Mirena IUS / GA option | Q1800 / Q1690 | £3,500 |
Hysteroscopy + Adhesiolysis | Q1700 | £5,500 |
Hysteroscopy + Endometrial resection | Q1700 | £5,500 |
Hysteroscopy + Metroplasty | Q1700 | £5,500 |
Hysteroscopy + Myomectomy | Q1700 | £5,750 |
Laparoscopy (diagnostic) | Q3900 | £5,750 |
Laparoscopy + Dye test | Q3900 | £5,275 |
Laparoscopy + Cystoscopy + Sigmoidoscopy | Q3900 / M4510 / H2510 | £7,550 |
Laparoscopy + Adhesiolysis | Q3800 | £7,550 |
Laparoscopy + Ovarian cystectomy | Q4400 | £7,570 |
Laparoscopy + Salpingectomy | Q3800 | £8,500 |
Laparoscopy + Salpingo-Oophorectomy | Q2230 | £8,500 |
Laparoscopy + Tubal surgery | Q3800 | £8,500 |
Laparoscopy + Excision of endometriosis | Q3800 | £8,500 |
Laparoscopic Ovarian Cystectomy + Excision of Endometriosis | Q1701/Q4400 | £8,500 |
Laparoscopic Total Peritoneal Excision | Q1701 | £8,500 |
Laparoscopic Myomectomy | Q0920 | £12,500 |
Abdominal myomectomy | Q0920 | £11,500 |
Laparoscopic Hysterectomy | Q0790 | £11,500 |
Abdominal hysterectomy | Q0740 | £10,750 |
Laparoscopic Uterine cerclage | Q1701 | £7,875 |
Vaginal hysterectomy | Q0800 | £8,750 |
Vaginal hysterectomy + PFR | P2380 | £9,750 |
Pelvic Floor Repair | P2310 | £6,575 |
Vaginal minor operations | P2000 | £3,750 |
Bartholin’s cyst excision/marsupialisation | P0310 / P0320 | £4,285 |
Vulval/Perineal minor operations | P0600 | £3,992 |
Reversal of sterilisation: Laparotomy | Q29 | £6,500 |
Reversal of sterilisation: Laparoscopic | Q37 | £6,500 |
Laparoscopy + Resection of rectovaginal endometriosis + Cystoscopy with bilateral ureteric catheterisation | Q1701 / M4510 / M2920 | £11,030 |
Laparoscopic/Endoscopic resection of rectovaginal endometriosis + Bladder lesion + Cystoscopy with bilateral ureteric catheterisation | Q1702 / M4510 / M4210 | £15,500 |
Laparoscopy + Resection of rectovaginal endometriosis + Cystoscopy with bilateral ureteric catheterisation + Endoscopic resection of Bladder and Ureteric lesions | Q1701 / M4510 / M2920 / M4210 / H3330 | £18,500 |
Laparoscopy + Resection of rectovaginal endometriosis + Cystoscopy with bilateral ureteric catheterisation + Rectal Disc resection | Q1701 / M4510 / M2920 / H3330 | £18,755 |
Laparoscopy + Resection of rectovaginal endometriosis + Cystoscopy with bilateral ureteric catheterisation + Anterior Rectal resection | Q1701 / M4510 / M2920 / H3330 | £21,950 |